Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,545
Post by Aeryn on Jan 3, 2012 9:13:15 GMT -5
Okay, I know that some of us are holding on to old grudges from the CW board. What I want to say is, there's really no need for that. Seriously. This is a brand new board, and we should forget the old bullshit. Focus on the reason we're here...which is to hang out, have fun, and get silly. Now, most of you already know that I can be a seriously evil whore/bitch...and if I can forgive and forget, so can the rest of you. Just saying.
Supernatural Fight Club
Don't be economic girlie men!
Posts: 1,273
Post by Lostcause on Jan 3, 2012 10:21:49 GMT -5
It is a good post AR, and good advice. And hey we all know all women are evil bitches a few days every mon-... Why are ya'll looking at me like that? 
Honorary Luthor
"The night is dark and full of terrors..."[C01:660066]
Posts: 1,272
Post by purpledragon1229 on Jan 3, 2012 10:30:49 GMT -5
It is a good post AR, and good advice. And hey we all know all women are evil bitches a few days every mon-... Why are ya'll looking at me like that?  I'm working on a new grudge...... That's a fantastic idea Aeryn! I third it (is that the right terminology?)
Honorary Luthor
Runs with scissors, but plays well with others...
Posts: 1,231
Post by Tinker on Jan 3, 2012 13:43:29 GMT -5
Aww, LC - you always know just what to say! And AR, I agree wholeheartedly. We didn't want the CW to end, but since it has, I am seeing a whole lot more silver lining than cloud.
Supernatural Fight Club
I'd tear that ^^ shit up. Just sayin'![k4r][C01:009966]
Posts: 455
Post by isitfridayyet on Jan 3, 2012 13:54:54 GMT -5
Agree whole heartedly. The place seems to be getting off on the right foot. Everyone seems to be getting along and enjoying themselves. Let's hope it stays that way! Obviously there will be disagreements because we're all individuals here, but as long as people are respectful in expressing their opinions and steer clear of personal attacks, we should be good. I'm not holding any grudges. Thanks for this important post, AR!
Post by magoghair on Jan 3, 2012 14:08:02 GMT -5
I'll be good,thats all I can and will promise....and only out of respect for you guys ,and your wish to make this a happy drama free place.
Supernatural Fight Club
Every rose has it's thorn[C01:ed143d][k4r]
Posts: 442
Post by Rose on Jan 3, 2012 14:58:06 GMT -5
Hell yeah, AR! Bottoms up!  It feels good to be able to come a place, start off fresh and just have a good time chatting and having fun with old posters and buddies and maybe even make new friends too. No grudges here! I'm ready for a fresh, new beginning. Let's make it happen!
Posts: 1,393
Post by ashley on Jan 3, 2012 15:12:55 GMT -5
still getting used to posting elsewhere but in tryin i lost some links i had in pms though oh well
Supernatural Fight Club
I'm a kitten of the Lord.
Posts: 331
Post by yimhappy on Jan 3, 2012 15:17:07 GMT -5
Great message AR. I hope that this board stays in the honey moon phase for awhile. I'm impressed at all the great work of the board founders. Awesome. I hope that they didn't have to blow anyone too awful.  Thank you Aeryn & I agree with your sentiment. Mistermoonlight, PuppDreams, PurpleDragon, MissChloe, & me worked our asses off to make this place nice for you guys. We want to help you with any needs you have but we really don't care that you didn't get along with so and so at the CW. This is a new start. We're getting our family back together. Let's be thankful for that. Wow Aeryn. I'm gonna sticky this for a while. I think it's an important message.
Posts: 1,393
Post by ashley on Jan 3, 2012 15:48:51 GMT -5
i just sent myself some stuff when my email wasent working threw pms' some photos and stuff its a new computer as well
Posts: 1,393
Post by ashley on Jan 3, 2012 16:13:26 GMT -5
nope bace on the cw i lost link i sent to myself
Posts: 1,393
Post by ashley on Jan 3, 2012 17:41:51 GMT -5
no your site great i just gotta try and find thease photos and hope i maked them up
Graphics Design Team
Praying for my sans-undergarments Castiel
Posts: 345
Post by anicat on Jan 3, 2012 17:55:42 GMT -5
Thanks for expressing the sentiment, Aeryn!! You are so right. Now, mark this occasion, where I have publicly stated that you are right about something. Mark it, print it out, frame it, and hang it on the wall! ;D You may need to have something around to remind you of this moment when I critique your other more - questionable - opinions. Like, seriously? Romney? RON PAUL all the way!!!
Posts: 1,393
Post by ashley on Jan 3, 2012 20:21:45 GMT -5
the word caucus is overused and not even used correctly it means three legged race. I don't see Romney leg tied together. a race on that sort may actually be fun to watch. Instead of Dicking around making clams on opponents actually let people who are old enough to vote know what there actually about.
Crystal the Monkey Fan Club
"The dreamers ride against the men of action. Oh see the men of action falling back."--Leonard Cohen
Posts: 8,508
Post by Mistermoonlight on Jan 3, 2012 20:49:26 GMT -5
Aeryn did something good?
*goes into a coma*
Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,545
Post by Aeryn on Jan 3, 2012 20:56:38 GMT -5
Thanks for expressing the sentiment, Aeryn!! You are so right. Now, mark this occasion, where I have publicly stated that you are right about something. Mark it, print it out, frame it, and hang it on the wall! ;D You may need to have something around to remind you of this moment when I critique your other more - questionable - opinions. Like, seriously? Romney? RON PAUL all the way!!! Ron Paul?! He looks like he has one foot in the grave! I want our next President to live longer than a few months.
Supernatural Fight Club
I'm a kitten of the Lord.
Posts: 331
Post by yimhappy on Jan 3, 2012 21:11:36 GMT -5
Thanks for expressing the sentiment, Aeryn!! You are so right. Now, mark this occasion, where I have publicly stated that you are right about something. Mark it, print it out, frame it, and hang it on the wall! ;D You may need to have something around to remind you of this moment when I critique your other more - questionable - opinions. Like, seriously? Romney? RON PAUL all the way!!! Ron Paul?! He looks like he has one foot in the grave! I want our next President to live longer than a few months. Awww, what's the matter with Rick Santorum? Not to many people have managed to get "Google Bombed" such that their name appears as a synonym for anal sex. (Try googling Santorum  )
Crystal the Monkey Fan Club
"The dreamers ride against the men of action. Oh see the men of action falling back."--Leonard Cohen
Posts: 8,508
Post by Mistermoonlight on Jan 3, 2012 21:17:05 GMT -5
That's hilarious. The net-Lords have spoken.
Post by sarahg6 on Jan 3, 2012 22:09:40 GMT -5
the word caucus is overused and not even used correctly it means three legged race. I don't see Romney leg tied together. a race on that sort may actually be fun to watch. Instead of Dicking around making clams on opponents actually let people who are old enough to vote know what there actually about. Sorry to be OT, but Ash you made it your avatar! It is perfect and gorgeous!
Graphics Design Team
Praying for my sans-undergarments Castiel
Posts: 345
Post by anicat on Jan 3, 2012 22:10:52 GMT -5
Ron Paul?! He looks like he has one foot in the grave! I want our next President to live longer than a few months. But he's so cute! Like Ross Perot 2.0, except with smaller ears. Plus all the cool kids are for him! Although that might have something to do with the whole legalizing pot thing.
Farm Hand to the Kents
Posts: 54
Post by cahtie on Jan 4, 2012 1:01:38 GMT -5
Wait, can we please still hate CW for taking away our lounge? Or, you know, hold a major grudge against them?
Supernatural Fight Club
I'd tear that ^^ shit up. Just sayin'![k4r][C01:009966]
Posts: 455
Post by isitfridayyet on Jan 4, 2012 1:06:49 GMT -5
Wait, can we please still hate CW for taking away our lounge? Or, you know, hold a major grudge against them? Mrehhh. Good riddance. I like it better here anyway because I can cuss and make Dick jokes like a normal adult! Plus..we have active helpful mods? AND a new leaf? 
Supernatural Fight Club
The Evicted Twitter Goddess!
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Posts: 154
Post by KristinPhoenix on Jan 4, 2012 1:19:09 GMT -5
I have no grudges, I'm working on the power of love.
Supernatural Fight Club
The Evicted Twitter Goddess!
Friend To All, Professional SPN Badass
Posts: 154
Post by KristinPhoenix on Jan 4, 2012 1:52:22 GMT -5
Really? In that case, the message in my signature is for those CW morons who shut down our boards!
Posts: 1,393
Post by ashley on Jan 4, 2012 3:04:56 GMT -5
the word caucus is overused and not even used correctly it means three legged race. I don't see Romney leg tied together. a race on that sort may actually be fun to watch. Instead of Dicking around making clams on opponents actually let people who are old enough to vote know what there actually about. Sorry to be OT, but Ash you made it your avatar! It is perfect and gorgeous! its ok im off topic reguarly if you want me to draw ya something just ask
Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,543
Post by SoCal on Jan 4, 2012 20:41:15 GMT -5
It's so hard NOT to be bitter.....but this AWESOME site is tamping down my rage! Thanks to the wonderfully talented and generous(with their time and efforts) to give we refugees a port in the storm. I look forward to "chatting" with/arguing with/joking with many of you!
Supernatural Fight Club
Every rose has it's thorn[C01:ed143d][k4r]
Posts: 442
Post by Rose on Jan 4, 2012 20:46:02 GMT -5
I don't think Aeryn meant for this thread to be, in terms of bitterness, grudgy toward the CW site itself. I think she was more meaning past grudges amongst members, because goodness knows we've had them. This is supposed to be like a fresh start for all of us because there was a lot of bad blood between some of us at the old site. This is new, fresh, fun, light, open and playful. We're all here to have fun and bring our old CW family back together again. Screw the old forum anyway. This one is WAY better.  We can curse and post links and embed YouTube videos and all that shit. It makes it so much easier to be myself when I'm not censored!
Crystal the Monkey Fan Club
"The dreamers ride against the men of action. Oh see the men of action falling back."--Leonard Cohen
Posts: 8,508
Post by Mistermoonlight on Jan 4, 2012 21:02:52 GMT -5
Amen, RocketQueen. I think you've hit on the essence of Aeryn's thread. This post is a place for putting old fandom prejudices aside. What the CW did to us makes us all truly one family now. And we should thank them for that.
However, if someone wants to make a 'The CW Sucks' thread, or something of the like, that would be totally fine, if you've got something you want to get off your chest. They pretty well took the active fans and said 'screw you, we don't want to deal with you any more, just listen to our marketing messages on Twitter and Facebook, and shut up.'
Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,543
Post by SoCal on Jan 4, 2012 21:04:37 GMT -5
Supernatural Fight Club
Don't be economic girlie men!
Posts: 1,273
Post by Lostcause on Jan 4, 2012 21:56:50 GMT -5
That makes me that weirdo uncle nobody really talks to, who sits muttering to himself at holidays gatherings.