Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,543
Post by SoCal on Oct 19, 2013 14:25:51 GMT -5
There seems to be some kind of disease that's made it into the prison. Did it kill the pig and Patrick? Will it spread? Have the walkers found a way in?
Post by AntiArbitrator on Oct 19, 2013 22:25:57 GMT -5
I must watch the beginning to see what walker-Patrick does. I think the episode is going to be v-e-r-y scary.
Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,543
Post by SoCal on Oct 20, 2013 12:32:51 GMT -5
I must watch the beginning to see what walker-Patrick does. I think the episode is going to be v-e-r-y scary. As opposed to the funny, light-hearted (pun intended) episodes?
Post by AntiArbitrator on Oct 20, 2013 17:18:13 GMT -5
 Yeah, as opposed to the fun ones where only the cute young guy gets his neck ripped out. R.I.P. Zack. 
Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,543
Post by SoCal on Oct 20, 2013 18:49:55 GMT -5
I admit it, I don't like to watch when the zombies are chowing down on a live person.
Post by AntiArbitrator on Oct 20, 2013 18:54:25 GMT -5
Good of you to admit that. I wondered how you could enjoy those scenes. But I think you have a stronger stomach than me.
Deleted Member
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Post by Deleted on Oct 20, 2013 20:42:54 GMT -5
It's not over yet... but I think we can all guess who is feeding the walkers.  Stupid little girl.
Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,543
Post by SoCal on Oct 21, 2013 14:50:19 GMT -5
I enjoyed the episode, even though I still can't watch when a zombie is chowing down on a living person! Yuck!  I found it strange that no one seemed to hear the moaning zombie, Patrick, cruising the cell block, looking for something alive to nosh on. Why didn't his first victim scream? I know he bit him in the neck, but you'd think he'd get out some gurgling or he'd struggle, making noises the other folks would hear. How many did the zombies bite? Carol was awesome. Darryl was awesome. Carl was awesome. Discovering Michonne was probably what Beth was describing, a mother who lost a child was incredibly sad. It would certainly also answer some questions about why she is so hard, but seemed to find a soft spot in her heart for Carl. Who in the world is feeding the zombies outside the prison live mice/rats? Is it one the new crop of kids? The ones who were convinced they're "just different" and not monsters? Poor Tyreese. I guess we should have known that romance wouldn't last long. Did she and the other guy who were sick die and turn, or did someone kill them to make sure they wouldn't or wouldn't pass the infection along. Poor little piggies. Instead of becoming ham and bacon, they were eaten alive by zombies.
Post by AntiArbitrator on Oct 21, 2013 17:41:47 GMT -5
When Tyreese’s lady left his chamber, I was so sure Patrick was going to grab her. Every time she turned a corner, I thought “This is it.” The zombie chomping scenes are really gory with the neck chomping and intestines slurping. Yuk! They seem to turn into walkers in less than five minutes once they die. I wondered the same thing about Patrick’s first victim. He never made a sound…I guess he was a very heavy sleeper. The walkers who died from the virus have different eyes than the other walkers and that is why Patrick looked strange. Yes, Carol was awesome. She has changed from a woman who accepted abuse into someone who will fight back. She is willing to go behind everyone’s back to do what she knows is right – teach the children to fight. I did not expect Carl to snitch to Rick. Also, I admire Carol’s willingness to take responsibility for the children. Carl already knows how to fight and I was so proud of him when he grabbed the rifle and eliminated the walker. Now that he has his gun back, I wonder if he will start wearing the hat. I do not remember the “flashback” they showed about how he got the hat. Personally, I like the hat. I never expected to see Michonne cry and that was a very touching scene. Maybe we will finally get some backstory on her life. I was never satisfied with the explanation for the two pet walkers she had. It is good to see Rick coming up with some good ideas. I prefer the “take charge” Rick to the pacifist. Tyreese’s lady told them that David was also coughing and he is the second crispy person. I cannot guess who did that to them, but fear of them infecting others was probably the reason. It is logical that one of the girls was feeding rats to the walkers, but I have two reservations about them. Girls are usually squeamish about rodents and it seemed the person was tall. I am going to try to get a shot of that scene to see if we can get an idea of the size of the person. Someone said it might be the Governor. Can you imagine the Governor hiding somewhere in the prison and sneaking out at night to feed the walkers? 
Supernatural Fight Club
Posts: 6,543
Post by SoCal on Oct 21, 2013 20:00:47 GMT -5
Someone said it might be the Governor. Can you imagine the Governor hiding somewhere in the prison and sneaking out at night to feed the walkers?  NO, I cannot imagine the Governor hiding inside the prison and feeding the walkers. He would just let them in the gate and then run and hide in one of the towers. He didn't care about "the biters," he just used them to keep the people in Woodbury at bay. Remember his televisios filled with "biter" heads? And if not that, he'd probably go in with a gun and just shoot all the other former "Woodburians" who betrayed him. The people who die seem to turn faster now than at the beginning of the series. I seem to remember that doctor in the CDC saying something about over 12 hours. Now they seem to turn within minutes.
Honorary Luthor
Searching for light in the darkness of insanity
Posts: 4,675
Post by mercurytheatre on Oct 22, 2013 15:36:02 GMT -5
I always enjoy the scenes from next week's episode at the end of the show. If any of you watched The Talking Dead, they showed an even more powerful spoiler clip. I will see if I can find it.
Honorary Luthor
Searching for light in the darkness of insanity
Posts: 4,675
Post by mercurytheatre on Oct 22, 2013 15:40:45 GMT -5
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Oct 22, 2013 20:20:36 GMT -5
I saw the ep again and the flashlight (while feeding the walkers) is up too high for it to be the girl ![]() , so now I'm convinced it's the black ex soldier, who i also think is the one who killed tyreeses little love interest. He was acting really odd in the premiere, shaking his head all weird when nothing was going on. Maybe he's a spy for the gov?
Post by AntiArbitrator on Oct 23, 2013 16:51:19 GMT -5
That ex-soldier does stand around watching people and he would be on my list of suspects.
Also on my list is Carol. She has changed a lot and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe. She was quick to tell the girls' father she was going to amputate his arm and just as quick to say "never mind" when she saw the other bite. She did the right thing but that demonstrates how strong she is now.